It has taken me a long time to decide that blogging is something I should be doing as an artist! Now that the page is built on my website, and I am looking at the blank page, my feelings are a little like they were, years ago, when construction was complete on my studio and I sat in the new room for the first time with no more excuses for not beginning new work.
Lots of questions go through my mind: will I have enough interesting things to say that people will want to read my blog? Will anything I have to say matter to anyone but me? Will my inspiration desert me after a day, a week, a month?
In those days, I had some experience with showing and selling art, so there was at least some historical evidence to support the idea that I deserved this wonderful new work space, and that I could sustain production of art to justify the expense. I have no such historical evidence with creating blog posts!
Since that time, I have produced hundreds of pieces of art, many of them winning prizes in local, regional and even international art competition. I suspect the “blank page” syndrome that is still occasionally difficult to overcome in the creation of new art may be similar in the creation of new blogs. Perhaps I will overcome it in much the same way:
Go in to the studio (or WordPress) and play today. No one has to see what I am doing unless I decide to let them. Learn from each attempt, even if I don’t end up with a piece worth signing and showing to the world. One day, I will feel more confident that what I have to say about my art and other topics will interest a few people. Until then, I can play with words and see where it leads!
I’ve always loved hearing your words, and of course seeing your art. I wonder if the ‘blank page’ that you speak of is also metaphorical. What will go on the page, the canvas, the day, this life. From what I know of you, your art has always reflected how you ‘see’ the world… So, I’m glad to follow your blog and look forward to hearing / seeing more from your ‘eyes’.
Thank you, Pam. I was actually thinking of you yesterday and the many words we have shared by letter, and by email, especially during your years abroad in England and Japan. Somehow personal letters or emails intended for one specific individual seem very different than broadcasting my thoughts to the world!
Agreed, we have shared many. I think of the words of wisdom, experience and love – of so much, that you have shared, which come out in your work and in all you do. While there are differences in words intended for one, versus, as you say, broadcasting to the world, I so think you have much to say to / for many. If I may… I remember a conversation about your piece ‘Rose’. I mentioned about the progression of the three roses, from bud to mid bloom to full bloom – and that from full bloom, the petals fall away and the rose dies – an analogy for life. Your perspective was so different – that it then goes to seed, thus passing on it’s beauty in new growth. That always left an impression… as many of your comments and pieces have.