New Pastel

Sunflowers, Torrey Pines” was inspired by a hike in Torrey Pines Natural Reserve on the trail between Razor Point and Yucca Point in the late spring of a particularly wet year. Much of the year, this trail as covered with dry vegetation and is spectacular for it’s sculpted sandstone formations. On this particular day, the bones of the hillside were hidden by the abundant display pf California sunflowers, soft and lush and and green.The trails are very fragile and are actually closed during and after rainfall for at least a day and sometimes longer, so I have never seen water cascade down this small cataract.
trying something different
I hesitated to attempt this painting at this time in my life, because my vision loss had made it so difficult to accurately place my strokes where I want them on the page. This results in a looser painting than has been my norm. In all my years making art I have relied on freehand drawing and I knew that my visual challenges would make it impossible for me to draw the bridge freehand. I learned from another artist that Georgia O;Keefe, at the end of her life and also battling with macular degeneration, used aids to guide her placement of color on her work so so maybe maybe I could do what it takes to make the image I wanted to make.